I believe...
That a woman's sexual, erotic life force is her greatest power source.
That it's time to unlock this force of nature within you.
Your liberation is your greatest offering.
You are the maiden, mother, muse, and mistress.
You are every shade of woman in one wild & holy body.
You are devotion in motion. Art in it's finest form.
We need you to feel your rage, your grief, your lust, your darkness.
It's at the depth of your ocean you will reclaim your deepest power.
I believe you are a force of nature.
You are worthy of all that you desire.
You deserve pleasure, rest, and radical aliveness.
The time has come for your greatest act.
And your eros is the fuel for your wildest expression.
Turn on is truth.
It's time to celebrate your fullness.
I know you're ready woman.